Malk’Zameth’s Braindump

and some mind candy!

What Is an Elastic Datastore?

In one phrase

Elastic datastores handle stress losing neither consistency nor availability.

In detail

To understand that you need to know what is Elasticity exactly!

So, What is elasticity ?

Minimum Viable PaaS?

What is a Minimum Viable PaaS?

In one phrase

A what point an IaaS becomes a PaaS? When you forget there is an IaaS at all.


We all know the theory, the cloud mainly is broken into:

  • IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service (Amazon, OpenStack, etc.)
  • PaaS - Platform as a Service (Heroku, Cloudbees, etc.)
  • SaaS - Software as a Service (Salesforce, Office 365, etc.)

IaaS brings machines, memories, CPU’s, systems.

PaaS brings integration:


Malk’Zameth’s Braindump

Random serialisations of things in my brain: Grown for my usage. Maybe gibberish to you! Feel free to use it. Comments welcome•