Malk’Zameth’s Braindump

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What Is an Elastic Datastore?

In one phrase

Elastic datastores handle stress losing neither consistency nor availability.

In detail

To understand that you need to know what is Elasticity exactly!

So, What is elasticity ?

We have two kinds :

General Elasticity

« Ability of something to receive a stress without deforming. »

Think about a rubber band: you can take it with your hands, stretch it and abandon it: the band will return to its original shape.

Commonly used in physics.

Point elasticity

« rate of how much something follows another. »

Think about two objects, attach each other by a rubber band: when one of them moves, the other follows. Not immediately, not in the same speed (because in the beginning the rubber band will stretch instead of pull) but follows anyway.

Commonly used in mathematics.

What is an Elastic ?

Something with a high elasticity.

So, when is a datastore elastic?

When it shows, in any form, a high degree of elasticity. Some common examples:

Scaling up and down

If we consider the General elasticity :

« Ability of something to receive a stress without deforming. »

Our something: the datastore. Its stress: the force of a high number of concurrent users (say: your blog got featured highly on reddit).

The datastore would be elastic if it both:

  1. Scaled up during the stress of that spike in number of visits (say: used more nodes in the cluster).
  2. Scaled down after the spike back to its original form (say: returned by himself to its original number of nodes)

Not scaling at all would of course not qualify as elastic, but only scaling up is not enough.

Accepting schema changes

Again we consider the General elasticity :

« Ability of something to receive a stress without deforming. »

Our something : the datastore. Its stress : The data schema changes a lot.

Here our datastore would be elastic if it could handle the changes of schema on the data and always use its own schema in the end (avoiding deformation).

This is possible in datastores that are effectively schema-less (like mongo).

Adapting to schema changes

Let’s revisit the same “the data schema changes a lot” problem, but this time we use point elasticity:

« rate of how much something follows another. »

The datastore would be elastic if it would be able to take the new data schema into consideration and (after some time) evolve its own schema to handle the difference.

This is the approach used by Graph databases to handle the emergence of relationships that are unknown initially.


Every Elastic has its Yield strength : the point of wich, the stress is just too much and the elastic loses all elasticity.

Every rubber band has a point where it breaks.

You should seek the Yield strength of your datastore system under your production architecture•
